Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Pims o'clock

Me and Max decided we should play on the British thing so we went OTT with it, but why not, it should drill into places we want to go see its an exciting prospect that two Brits are making the effort to come to America to see there studios. This is the theme of the emails we plan to send out to the different studios!

Personal Business Cards (kind of)

These are kind of my business cards but I think they will change very soon as I'm not a huge fan and I have hand made them and they fall apart pretty easily, bad times. I think I will get some proffessionly printed at moo, but i would really like them to be done at Generation Press I have seen some of the 3rd years that have been done by GP and they look amazing. 

My INPRESS Business cards

THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL! yes it is official I am a paper geek, they we're very expensive and I will be very selective who i give them to but we have now got INPRESS business cards to go with the rest of our ever growing INPRESS portfolio.

Web Design Maybe

This is what I might like my personal website to look like, definatly something along these lines something simple to show off the work not the website. Now I just have to learn how to make the damn thing.


I've gone and got my self an Etsy account to sell some of the t-shirts from I made for the INPRESS event, we'll see how it goes it's only costing me $0.20 so if it all goes sideways it doesnt matter and its another way to get my self out there as a designer.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

T-Shirts for INPRESS event 04-06-2012

I've just finished the next batch of t-shirts for the next event, they've come out pretty well considering I was very pushed for time. I will be trying to flog these at the next two events the one at the library and the end of year show pop up shop!

INPRESS Business Cards

This is a speak peek at our new INPRESS business cards, they are being made for us down at the Print Project (, they look really good and I've heard they feel even better. Well worth the money!

INPRESS Event 4-06-12


We are taking on the internet @ INPRESS, we have started using twitter and facebook to really spread the good word of INPRESS design studio. This is a great way to tell people about what we do when and how we do it, I also have a personal twitter and facebook which I mainly use to recommunicate alot of the INPRESS stuff.

Noon Email

This is a similar situation to the MineSF emails, I have sent something what I hope is a little different and the studios for some reason or other havnt replied at all. But we will persist, Myself and max have come up with a list as long as out collective arms of studios in the bay area that we think are top notch, we will send a blanket email to them and just stating our intentions and ambitions while we are state side!

MineSF Emails

I have sent this company a series of emails and direct mail, to no evail they havent got back in touch with me at all so I think I will go and knock on the door when im in San Francisco and ask for my robot back.

Friday, 1 June 2012


We have decided to make a stamp for our business cards and to use on our prints. I have found a great website that produces custom made stamps.

Stamp for business card.

Stamp for prints.

I have estimated the size, but I think to save money we could even have the same sized stamp (smaller one for £14.95) for both the business cards and the prints.